20 Ways You Know You’re A Marine Wife
- Because oorah!
- Because he’s a Marine, not a Soldier
- The higher and tighter, the better the high-and-tight
- You know the Marines have the best dress uniform
- Some of your spouses get to carry a sword (or saber/sabre, whatever)
- Your husband knows more about laundry than you do
- You get called “Ma’am” in your twenties by the MPs
- You have randomly hummed the Marines hymn
- You know that he will always be under 18-21% body fat
- You know better than to say “ex-marine” *exception being dishonorably discharged
- You know that a sandbox is a good thing for your kids, and bad thing for your husband
- You know that “field day” has nothing to do with a field
- Semper Fi for life
- You are glad silkies are done with
- When driving on base, you know to pull over and prepare for colors
- You know how much it hurts when you stubbed your toe over his boots
- When he’s home, you screen calls, when he’s deployed, you pick up the phone for all unknown phone numbers
- You can decipher his LES (after a few tries, of course)
- You got excited when they can roll up their sleeves again
- And by the way, you can roll up your husband’s sleeves better than he can

How else do you know you might be a Marine Wife?
- Navy Wives, click here.
- Army Wives, click here.
- Air Force Wives, click here.
You might be a Marine Wife if…
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