Semi-Delicate Balance


100 Short and Cute Love Texts To Send


Sharing these cute and short love texts with your partner can make their day. Text your love these messages and see if you get one back from him or her. I love you I miss you I’m thinking about you I adore you You are my everything You take my breath away You make my […] Read more…

Cute Open When Love Note Envelope Idea

Open When Love Note Watercolor Pinterest

Love notes are great to send to your partner. If you’re in a long distance relationship or perhaps just seperated for a while, sending “Open When” notes can be a great reminder of the love you have for that person.     The idea behind “Open When” letters is that the loved one you’re sending […] Read more…

40 Best “I Miss You” Quotes

40 BEST I Miss You Quotes

Long distance relationships can be tough. Whether your separation is temporary or extended, there’s nothing like the feeling of missing the one you love. Here are 40 comforting “I Miss You” Quotes to get you by. You realize how much you truly miss someone when something happens, good or bad, and the only person you […] Read more…

25 Long Distance Relationship Date Ideas and Activities

25 Long Distance Relationship Date Ideas and Activities

Couples in long distance relationships can have a hard time staying connected. You’re limited in what you can do since you are far apart but you have to keep the romance and excitement alive. My husband and I have done long distance a couple of times now in our relationship. Phone calls, emails, texts are […] Read more…