Semi-Delicate Balance


Home Buying When You’re a Military Family

HOME BUYING WHEN you're a military family

We did it. We bought a home. And yes, my husband is still Active Duty in the military. Were we crazy? A little bit. But trust me when I say, this decision didn’t come lightly. In fact, it was about 3 years in the making before we decided to finally take the plunge. Finally, our […] Read more…

40 Programs You Didn’t Know the Military Offered. Did Someone Say Money?

40 Programs and Services You Didn't Know the Military Offered

People in the military community might be surprised when they find out all of the services that the military offers. These services and programs are available on different installations worldwide. and can be a great perk to military life. Even though some of the military programs and services are at a cost, they are typically […] Read more…

7 Ways New Military Parents Can Save Money

7 Ways New Military Parents Can Save Money

As some of my readers know, I became a new mom recently and found how exactly how much my little money vacuum baby costs. While I was a pregnant military spouse, I researched for the best possible deals in order to offset costs. There’s a lot for new military parents to learn (and buy!) when it […] Read more…

12 Creative Ways to Save Money on a Military Wedding

Almost two years ago, my husband I were married in beautiful Honolulu, HI. (I know, be jealous) If you didn’t already know this, I actually moved with him to Hawaii WITHOUT A RING. I know, I know. What was I thinking?! …just kidding. At that time I knew this was the man I was going […] Read more…

10 Ways for Military Families to Save Money

Saving money on a military budget is about knowing and using your resources. Whether they’re new to the military or been in it for years, some service members and families can be oblivious to the great deals and offers around them. Personally, I probably wouldn’t have known about such resources until I worked on a […] Read more…