Weddings vows are not meant to be taken lightly. On our wedding day, I stood there in my wedding dress, nervous but excited, across from my husband, I took a deep breath as I prepared to say our wedding vows, our commitment, our promises to one another.

Our vows were beautiful, traditional, and meaningful. And we meant every word.

Cut to years later, where military life handed us multiple deployments, multiple PCS moves (OCONUS and CONUS), and multiple times they’ve pissed the both of us off. Did I knew what I was getting into?… Kinda. Looking back, here are some more vows I should have added.

The Military Wife Vows I Should Have Said…

The Military Wife Vows I Should Have Said, vows copy

What would you add to your military wife vows?

See more in military weddings and military marriage:

The Military Wife Vows I Should Have Said

2 Comments on The Military Wife Vows I Should Have Said

  1. What about the military vows HE should have said???? Why are these all putting the burden on the SO that stays home? Two way street. Come on now.

  2. I’m going through a rough time with my husband who is in the Air Force, this post made me both laugh and cry. It’s perfect! Thank you.

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