Should you get a pet together?
Should you get a pet together?

If you and your significant other are thinking about getting a pet, I’m going to assume you’re living together.

If you’re living together, I’m going to assume you’re “happy” living together.

If you’re happy living together, YOU would probably assume that getting a pet together would make you even happier.


Well, semi-false. Getting a brand new puppy will make you happy maybe… 15% of the time. The other 85% is spent taking care of it, cleaning up after it, and resenting your significant other for not doing his/her part. This is until puppy grows out of puppydom. then your adult dog will make you happy 60% of the time. 30% of the time is spent taking care of it, cleaning up after it, and resenting your significant other for not doing his/her part. 10% is ignoring the dog, because let’s face it, it’s not that cute anymore and if it’s anything like my dog, it ignores you right back.

You must also consider the state in which your relationship is in. Are you going to be together…well for the rest of the pet’s life? Who would have custody if you break up? Are you ready to share such a huge responsibility?

When you decide to adopt a pet together, I compare it to deciding to procreate, especially if it is a dog or cat. You now have a living, breathing animal, that relies on you for every bit of survival. It’ll take up your time and energy. It’ll cost you money. And it expects you to clean up its s***. So if you don’t mind being a “parent” for the next 10 years or so, go for it. If you have some trepidation, I would consider getting a fish. Sharkbait, ooh-hah-hah.

For more insights on getting a pet together, click here to see if you should even get a pet at all


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