Birthdays, Anniversaries, Holidays put the “BAH” in BAH Humbug. That’s a lot of gifts to give one person in one year. The “mac daddy” in gift giving holidays is Christmas (or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or whatever, you know what I mean). Birthdays celebrate a special day to one person. Anniversaries celebrate a special day for two people. Winter holidays celebrate… well… they’re supposed to celebrate a religion but let’s face it, it’s about gifts under the tree!
After you’ve been with your significant other for a while and you’ve celebrated many “B.A.H”s together, your creativity starts to wane. Another gift card? Really? Why don’t I just throw money in a box and save me the trouble of going to a store in the first place? I am just stumped as to what to get a man who I perceive to have everything he needs. To make matters worse, he tells me he has everything he needs.
Ok well what does he want?
“Oh, nothing don’t worry about it”- Hubby
Another sports team related item? Birthday gift already. Tickets to a concert? Anniversary present already. Clothes? Ok, what man really likes getting clothes for Christmas?
I love this man more than itself. My marriage vows said I would try to give him the world, but I can’t think of one worthwhile and memorable Christmas present.
And then I realize, it’s because of this love that I find it impossible to get him the perfect gift. I think nothing is good enough for the man I love. My expectations are set extremely high for his happiness. His reassurance that he doesn’t need or want anything might be true. When you’re so content in life, the material things are secondary. As for Christmas, I will still think of “something” to put in his stocking… just for tradition’s sake.
I could always just give a him box of money… or porn.