While browsing the interwebs today, I came across a “military significant other” blog. Someone was asking the “upgrade”  in privileges from being a military girlfriend to a military wife. This got me thinking about the differences between the unmarried and married (besides the lovely brown dependent card).


military gf to military wife (4)

Here’s my take on the difference from being a military girlfriend to a military wife. (note: this post is in good fun, no seriousness here)

Military Girlfriend: I want to travel The World
Military Wife: Aw, man, another PCS?!

Military Girlfriend: He looks so hot in any uniform
Military Wife: Why does his PT stuff still smell after I wash it?

Military Girlfriend: I’m going to prepare a 3-course meal for dinner for two
Military Wife: He’s getting leftovers

Military Girlfriend: I need to go all of the FRG meetings to be informed
Military Wife: I’m going to the FRG meetings if there’s free childcare and food

Military Girlfriend: I have a question, I’ll go visit the resource center on base
Military Wife: I have a question, I’ll ask on facebook

Military Girlfriend: I have the cutest sundress and heels to wear to the commissary
Military Wife: Should I wear these black yoga pants or these black yoga pants?

Military Girlfriend: We’re a sisterhood of military S.O.s
Military Wife: I know a few good people and the rest are strangers

Military Girlfriend: I will treat my dependent card with the utmost care and discretion
Military Wife: Dammit, I know that thing is SOMEWHERE in my purse

Military Girlfriend: So as a military S.O., I am entitled to…
Military Wife: As a military wife, I am entitled to nothing because the internet police will go on a social media crusade to make sure everybody knows it.

Military Girlfriend: Deployment sucks
Military Wife: Deployment sucks

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