You already know the “gifts” that new moms want for Christmas. Here’s a look at 15 “gifts” Military Spouses Want for Christmas
- PCS stickers that take themselves off
- For movers that pack AND unpack
- A internet connection that never breaks during deployment skypes
- Orders to my dream duty station
- Instant friends at every duty station
- A great baby sitter at every duty station
- Uniforms that clean themselves
- Boots that don’t hurt when you stub your toe on them (Or Husband can actually put his boots away, whatever’s easier)
- A skinny filter on every selfie (this is a gift for all women)
- For deployment orders to never happen… ever
- A teleporter to bring your family to you or you to them
- For the word “dependapotamus” to be blown into oblivion
- Homecomings that start on time
- Peace, Joy , and Happiness*
- *Happiness = Wine
Happy Holidays!
photo credit: allerleirau via photopin cc