Approaching the one year mark with Junior (yay!). Husband is back from Deployment and he asked me what I want for Christmas… hmm… easy enough.
Here are 20 “Gifts” New Moms Want for Christmas
- A shirt not stained in milk/food/saliva/snot/god-knows-what-else
- The Three Chris’s (Pratt, Hemsworth, and Evans… bonus points if they clean my house)
- A refrigerator that reminds me to take the frozen stuff out for the next day
- A crock pot that reminds me to start it before noon
- My boobs back
- My ass back
- Self-Folding laundry
- My youth
- 1 hour of extra sleep
- 1 hour of peace and quiet
- ^^^ Cannot be the same hour
- The bags under my eyes gone
- Take away those extra 5… ok 10lbs too
- Ponytail holders that actually hold my ponytail for more than 5 minutes
- For the Dog to listen to me the first time
- For the Husband to listen to me the first time
- A neverending foot rub
- Instant headache remover medicine
- A diaper bag that is conveniently packed and loaded, every time
- A camera crew to record every priceless memory of this 1st year (because man, it goes by fast!)
Happy Holidays!
photo credit: pablofalv via photopin cc