Approaching the one year mark with Junior (yay!). Husband is back from Deployment and he asked me what I want for Christmas… hmm… easy enough.

Here are 20 “Gifts” New Moms Want for Christmas
20 -Gifts- New Moms Want For Christmas

  1. A shirt not stained in milk/food/saliva/snot/god-knows-what-else
  2. The Three Chris’s (Pratt, Hemsworth, and Evans… bonus points if they clean my house)
  3. A refrigerator that reminds me to take the frozen stuff out for the next day
  4. A crock pot that reminds me to start it before noon
  5. My boobs back
  6. My ass back
  7. Self-Folding laundry
  8. My youth
  9. 1 hour of extra sleep
  10. 1 hour of peace and quiet
  11. ^^^ Cannot be the same hour
  12. The bags under my eyes gone
  13. Take away those extra 5… ok 10lbs too
  14. Ponytail holders that actually hold my ponytail for more than 5 minutes
  15. For the Dog to listen to me the first time
  16. For the Husband to listen to me the first time
  17. A neverending foot rub
  18. Instant headache remover medicine
  19. A diaper bag that is conveniently packed and loaded, every time
  20. A camera crew to record every priceless memory of this 1st year (because man, it goes by fast!)

Happy Holidays!

photo credit: pablofalv via photopin cc