20 Ways You Know You’re an Air Force Wife
This is a guest post from Blogger and Air Force Wife, Callie Glorioso-Mays. Callie is on an uphill journey to learn continually, love freely, and live vulnerably as a writer, a military wife, and mama to one. She blogs at http://www.calliegloriosomays.com
You might be an Air Force wife if…
- After telling someone your husband is in the Air Force, you’re ready for the inevitable follow-up question of “Is he a pilot?”
- You’ve groaned when touch-and-goes begin right when you were ready to turn off the light and go to sleep
- You have daydreamed about having commercial flights stop on base to pick you up just to avoid the drive to the airport (“We have a runway after all!”)
- Your bases are always divided by the flight line and you get excited to drive around it because you actually get to go faster than 25mph on base
- You only bother looking up at the planes if it is visiting (and you can tell if it is visiting by sound alone)
- You’ve accepted the fact that jokes will be made about the “Chair” Force
- You know to always use the post office on base because the lines will always be shorter than in town
- You know that ABUs are ridiculously heavy straight out of the wash (and don’t envy your husband for having to wear those are hot days)
- You rejoiced when the new PT pants came out to replace the loud “swooshing” ones
- It’s not uncommon to hear kids at the playground yelling “Hi Daddy!” when they see planes go by
- You’ve wondered if the Air Force will ever adopt a gender neutral term for their people
- You know that pilots aren’t the only ones who wear flight suits
- You’ve been caught humming the Air Force song (it’s pretty catchy!)
- You know to call your Key Spouse, not FRG or Ombudsman
- You know that CAF day means Comprehensive Airmen Fitness, but mostly you just care that it means he *might* come home early
- You gauge how bad an expected storm will be by whether or not they move the planes
- You can tell Army ACUs and Air Force ABUs apart from a distance
- You know the difference between a wing, group, squadron and flight.
- Your husband has had to walk the flight line after an air show
- Your kid strikes the “Air Force kid pose” pretty often (finger pointed to the sky and saying “Plaaaaaaane!”)
Follow Callie at: Facebook and Twitter
How else do you know you might be an Air Force Wife?
- Navy Wives, click here.
- Army Wives, click here.
- Marine Wives, click here.