Semi-Delicate Balance

Year: 2014

My Candy Cane Christmas

I can’t believe Christmas is almost here. This will be our first with our son. We have family flying in and staying with is. Meaning it will be MADNESS here at the Semi-Delicate Balance household.This year, I decided to go with a Candy Cane Christmas Theme. Hanging the right ornaments… Tree is up… Even the wrapping […] Read more…

15 “Gifts” Military Spouses Want For Christmas

15 gifts military spouses want for christmas

You already know the “gifts” that new moms want for Christmas. Here’s a look at 15 “gifts” Military Spouses Want for Christmas   PCS stickers that take themselves off For movers that pack AND unpack A internet connection that never breaks during deployment skypes Orders to my dream duty station Instant friends at every duty […] Read more…

Here are 20 “Gifts” New Moms Want for Christmas

20 -Gifts- New Moms Want For Christmas

Approaching the one year mark with Junior (yay!). Husband is back from Deployment and he asked me what I want for Christmas… hmm… easy enough. Here are 20 “Gifts” New Moms Want for Christmas A shirt not stained in milk/food/saliva/snot/god-knows-what-else The Three Chris’s (Pratt, Hemsworth, and Evans… bonus points if they clean my house) A […] Read more…

11 Things You Might Not Know About the Commissary

11 Things you might not know about the commissary

I can get annoyed with the Commissary sometimes but overall, I think they are a great privilege and entity to have on military installations. When we lived overseas, the Commissary benefits hugely helped out our budget as well as our fix for mainland items. The commissary sees hundreds of customers per day but what do […] Read more…

A“Taste of Home” for the Service Member and Spouse

Compensation for this post was provided by StarKist Tuna via MSB New Media. All opinions expressed in this piece are my own. I love companies that support the military and is one of them. They’ve provided items for care packages as well as donated thousands of dollars worth of product through their Tuna for Soldiers program. […] Read more…