Semi-Delicate Balance

Year: 2015

5 Must-Haves In Your Diaper Bag This Summer

“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Neutrogena. I received samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.” Summer is here and it’s time to head outside and enjoy this wonderful weather. Summer is the time for adventure and travel, so moms want […] Read more…

20 Ways You Know You’re a Coast Guard Wife

20 ways you know you're a coast guard wife

A guest post from Coast Guard wives Katherine Hunnicutt and Taylor Rapasi. The Coast Guard often gets overlooked when it comes to military references. However, they protect our country as well and should be recognized as such. This also means that Coastie Spouses also have a unique culture. Here are 20 Ways You Know You’re […] Read more…

Red, White, & Blue Outfits for 4th of July

You’ve seen my red, white, and blue outfit inspirations for military homecoming. What about about cute outfits for the 4th of July? It’s summer, it’s warm out, and your outfit should be respectfully patriotic and cute. I love red, white, and blue for a festive Independence Day. However, I’m a big fan of subtlety when […] Read more…

4th of July: A Thank You Letter to the Military

To the Men and Women of the United States Military: This will be our first 4th of July as a family of 3 when we are all together. Last year, my husband was deployed. The years before that, I had to work every 4th of July. With Independence day weekend is coming up, I should […] Read more…

40 Family Quotes and Sayings

40 FAMILY QUOTES and sayings

A collection of the best family quotes with inspirational quotations on families, family life, and family love. We may not have it all together but together, we have it all. Family: Like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one We didn’t realize we were making memories […] Read more…