Semi-Delicate Balance

Year: 2015

How to Help Your Military Kid When Their Friends PCS

How to Help Your Kids When Their Friends PCS

The tears, the frown, the disappointment. you can only watch helplessly as your child says goodbye to the friends they have made. Making friends with anyone is hard. Making friends as a military brat, well, it’s no surprise that it can be THAT much harder. I’ve noticed that military brats tend to make friends with […] Read more…

The Big Reveal: Military Spouse Seeks New Employment


The first impression in an interview is everything. I’ve seen it many times where a successful interview is able to bring an underdog to the top of the candidate pool. I’ve also seen very qualified people blow a chance at a seemingly perfect job opportunity because, well, they just didn’t talk about the right subjects, tout the right projects […] Read more…

10 Effective Teeth Brushing Tips for Toddlers

10 Effective Teeth Brushing Tips for Toddlers

Cleaning your toddler’s teeth should be a part of your daily routine. However, as we know, toddlers may not always be the most cooperative or patient people to work with. Persistence and Commitment is key. You should start introducing tooth brushing when teeth first appear. Sometime during the toddler years, your child will have most or all of their […] Read more…

Easy Hairstyle Tips to Live By for the Busy Mom

Easy Hairstyle Tips to Live By for Busy Moms (1)

When the alarm goes off on my phone, it’s time to spring into action. By “spring”, I mean move slowly while being half-awake. As a working mom, it’s tough to not only get myself ready but then get my son ready for our day. Any good mom would put their child first which is what I […] Read more…