Semi-Delicate Balance

Everything In-Between

How to Stay Sane for the Holidays

How to Stay Sane For the Holidays

It’s that time of year again. the time where you pretty much ignore all responsibilities except the ones the advertisers tell you to do i.e. buy gifts, get dinner ready, travel. Here are my tips on staying relatively sane during all this craziness. 1) Not everyone is Martha Stewart, don’t offer to host if you don’t […] Read more…

How To Save On Holiday Travel

How to save on holiday travel

Vacation time! Time to book those flights and hotel and enjoy a nice break from reality. With all of these travel sites now, you can price compare until your heart’s content. You enter in your info, hit search, and HOLY CRAP, prices are still outrageous!! Check out these money saving tips when preparing to book […] Read more…

Decorate on the Cheap for Christmas

How to decorate on the cheap

If you haven’t already bought your decorations after the “After Christmas” sale, then you might be in a bind for new decorations. Perhaps the decorations you have are little worse for wear. Ornaments that practically drips glitter when you barely touch it, sad looking wreaths that are all bent out of shape (literally), perhaps  half-flickering […] Read more…