Semi-Delicate Balance


12 Tips for an Amazing Courthouse Wedding

Courthouse wedding

Since you already know the best reasons to have a courthouse wedding, you want to move on to how to make this day special. Just because you’re getting married at the courthouse does not mean you want to lose the sentiment or fairy tale feeling of a wedding.   Having a Justice of the Peace […] Read more…

8 Reasons to Have a Courthouse Wedding

Reasons to have a courthouse wedding

Getting married at the courthouse is very popular with some couples. Courthouse weddings for the military, in particular, are pretty commonplace these days. With deployment or PCS schedules, it just make sense for some military couples to get married at the Justice of the Peace. There are many different reasons to get married at the […] Read more…

12 Creative Ways to Save Money on a Military Wedding

Almost two years ago, my husband I were married in beautiful Honolulu, HI. (I know, be jealous) If you didn’t already know this, I actually moved with him to Hawaii WITHOUT A RING. I know, I know. What was I thinking?! …just kidding. At that time I knew this was the man I was going […] Read more…

5 Best Things About Military Love

Military Love

Whether you’re in a new relationship or you guys have been together forever, military love has its up and downs. Here are the 5 best things about military love. His Dedication to His Country I love it when someone thanks my husband for her service, or offers him discounts, or even lets him off speeding […] Read more…

7 Must-Have Conversations Before Getting Married

conversations before getting married

Before you get married, there are plenty of things to consider about your relationship with your fiance. If you haven’t sat down to seriously talk about these items, maybe you should. It might save a lot of heartache in the future. Kids or No Kids Procreation may be for some people but it ain’t for […] Read more…