Semi-Delicate Balance


The Best Cute Shoes That Feel Like Heaven For Pregnant Women

The Best Cute Shoes That Feel Like Heaven For Pregnant Women

Waddling to my front door, I flipped the light switch on, hung up my car keys, and threw down my purse. Then came that glorious moment… taking off my shoes. Keep in mind, I had been active my whole pregnancy but something about the last trimester just weighs you down (literally). My feet constantly swelled […] Read more…

How to Dress Your Newborn Baby For Winter

How to Dress Your Newborn Baby For Winter

For the parents of winter babies, it can be difficult to properly dress your baby for the cold weather. My little guy is a winter baby. It was one thing when we were indoors, but I felt like we packed his whole closet in his diaper bag when we would venture out. You don’t want […] Read more…

How to Potty Train Successfully at Daycare

how to potty train successfully at daycare

Potty training a defiant toddler is one thing. Potty training a defiant toddler when he goes to daycare full time is a whole ‘nuther beast. It’s a team effort to potty-train. After all, the daycare teacher is probably not just potty training your kid, she’s potty training 5 other kids. My son was in what […] Read more…

The Must-Have Products for Potty Training Success

must have products potty training

At 2 years and 9 months, our boy was fully daytime potty-trained (pee and poop) in a week. That’s right, just a week. The first four days were at home. The next three were at daycare. I wrote down an entertaining diary of sorts for that first week if you want to check out the […] Read more…