Semi-Delicate Balance


10 Things You Didn’t Think to Pack for Your Hospital Bag (But Definitely Should!)

hospital bag, baby, first time mom, pregnancy, delivery, new mom

It can be tricky to know what to pack for your baby’s birth, especially for first time moms. What you bring to the hospital should be important for you and your baby. There are plenty of lists out there on what to pack, but here are something you might have forgotten about. Here’s 10 things […] Read more…

25+ Medicine Cabinet Essentials For When Your Child Gets Sick or Injured

25+ Medicine Cabinet Essentials For When Your Child Gets Sick or Injured

First, you notice your child has a little sniffle, and then a cough, and then they start to look flushed, you go to feel their forehead, and what do you know? …they’re getting sick. Another familiar scenario? Your kids are playing outside. All of a sudden, you hear a crash and a loud scream from […] Read more…

How To Dress Your Baby For Summer

How To Dress Your Baby For Summer, Clothes Advice and What to wear for babies in the warmer weather

Warmer weather is just around the corner. If your due date is around that time, you might be wondering how to dress your little bundle of joy once you leave the hospital. If you happen to live in a particularly warm climate, or perhaps have little to no air conditioning in your home, there are […] Read more…

Multitask Mama: 15 Productive Things You Can Do While Breastfeeding

15 Productive Things You Can Do While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding a baby can sometime make moms feel like they’re stuck. After all, you’ve got a child in your arms, and you’re most likely down to the use of one arm.  If dad is around, make sure he gets involved as well. But when you’re by yourself, you can use this precious time to do […] Read more…

10 Must Have Pregnancy Products That Are SO Worth The Money

10 Must Have Pregnancy Products That Are SO Worth The Money

Expectant moms-to-be have all sorts of decisions to make. As soon as they have a positive pregnancy test, it seems like there is all sorts of ads for pregnancy products that pop up. Pregnant women usually ask their friends, family, coworkers for the best in what’s worth it, and what’s better off skipping. I’ve rounded […] Read more…