20 Ways You Know You’re a Navy Wife
- You loved anchors before they became trendy.
- You know that no matter where you are stationed, there’s a good chance you’ll be by water.
- You know what “dixie cups covers” refer to.
- You found yourself wearing his blue undershirts because they’re really comfy.
- USAA or Navy Fed. Nothing else.
- There is a lingering “ship smell” on your spouse’s laundry.
- You can hum “Anchors Aweigh”.
- You know what uniform the “peanut butters” refer to.
- Ombudsman is not a fun or easy word to say.
- The kids say “aye aye”, not “roger”.
- You been stationed at ONE of the four corners at least once: San Diego, Norfolk, Florida, Washington.
- You can tell when a ship is back in town by all of the traffic.
- You have to explain to people that “underway” is not exactly a deployment, but in a way it kind of is.
- You’ve watched at least one episode of NCIS and/or one movie involving the Navy.
- When advancement time comes around and you haven’t heard from your spouse, you know to check the navy advancement website.
- You also helped your spouse study for advancement exams.
- Your wardrobe gravitates towards navy blues, light blues, and nautical stripes, even though you didn’t plan it that way.
- You know what “going to the head” means.
- You know that base housing is not necessarily on base.
- You always want to recreate this picture:

How else do you know you might be a Navy Wife?
- Army Wives, click here.
- Marine Wives, click here.
- Air Force Wives, click here.
You might be a Navy Wife if…
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