Semi-Delicate Balance

Year: 2013

New Year’s Resolutions for Work

New Year's Resolutions for Work

We make new year’s resolutions for our bodies, our diet, our bad habits. Why not make one for our careers? Here is what I am going to work on for 2014. -Snack less. or at least snack on better things. I’m going to blame the pregnancy on this one. Chocolate was my bestest friend. I’ll […] Read more…

How to Stay Sane for the Holidays

How to Stay Sane For the Holidays

It’s that time of year again. the time where you pretty much ignore all responsibilities except the ones the advertisers tell you to do i.e. buy gifts, get dinner ready, travel. Here are my tips on staying relatively sane during all this craziness. 1) Not everyone is Martha Stewart, don’t offer to host if you don’t […] Read more…

Do You Stand Up For Yourself At Work?

This is an employer’s market we’re living in. People are jumping at any job they can get, and are willing to go above and at each position. Because employers are looking for “driven, motivated, go-getters”. Rightfully so. But that does that set the expectations too high? When work starts piling up to the point where […] Read more…

How To Save On Holiday Travel

How to save on holiday travel

Vacation time! Time to book those flights and hotel and enjoy a nice break from reality. With all of these travel sites now, you can price compare until your heart’s content. You enter in your info, hit search, and HOLY CRAP, prices are still outrageous!! Check out these money saving tips when preparing to book […] Read more…

20-Something and Broke

20-something and broke

  If you’re like me, then it was beaten into your head early on that you need to go to college, get an education, so you can be successful and make a living in this world.  …how did that pan out for you? —Everybody— Raise your hand if you’re still in student loan debt! *raises […] Read more…