My plan was to go as a sexy maid but since I’m 7 months pregnant… I needed a replacement. Trick or Treat! Read more…
Month: October 2013
Truth: My Husband Talks to Me Like a Frat Bro

Real Talk. Did my husband just call me bro, bro? Dude, did he just call me dude? Understandably we lived together in San Diego and Hawaii, so I expected a little bro-talk every now and then. But I’m his wife. Television taught me that the terms of endearment he should be calling me are things […] Read more…
Military Spouse Employment

With every new duty station, a sense of “starting over” happens for military spouses and their career. Your spouse is guaranteed a job, and you’re not. From personal experience, military spouse employment is definitely a process. With new potential employers, you have the arduous task of explaining why you’re in the market for a new […] Read more…
Clubbing While Pregnant

It’s Saturday night, your girlfriend calls you and announces it as “Girls’ Night!”. WHOOPTY-WHOOP! You can’t wait to get dolled up and go out for a night of partying. —recordscratch— You’re pregnant. With Halloween coming up, invites for those Halloween nights out will be coming your way. I personally believe any and all alcohol should […] Read more…
Why I’m Choosing to Be a Working Mom

Choosing to work full time when you have kids is one of the most important decisions a mother can make. Note* I said mother, not father. That argument is for another day. Disclaimer: this is not a stay-at-home mom vs working moms debate. It is the chronicle of my thought process when I decide to […] Read more…