Semi-Delicate Balance

Month: October 2013

Decorating as a Renter


Perhaps you’re not ready to buy a house yet: financially, physically, or mentally. So you know you’ll be in the renting game for a while. When your first walk in your rental, you see bare walls, clean appliances (hopefully), and carpet with fresh vacuum lines in them. Well, what to do to make this seem […] Read more…

Guide to Pursuing a Marketing Career


A career in marketing is getting more and more popular with millennials and younger. It should be with the media showcasing the glamour, the excitement, the money. Don’t be fooled. Young padawan. Like any other job industry, competition is fierce, high quality is always demanded, and the pressure is intense. Working in marketing definitely has its […] Read more…

Divide & Conquer: When Husband & Wife Do Chores

I always believed that the topics couples fight most about are: Money, Sex, Kids, and Chores. Of these, chores seem the most trivial but man, can there be some epic battle-royales over who does dishes. When a couple decides to cohabitate, married or not, you envision the …ikea ad… if you will. A neat, well-decorated […] Read more…

Pregnancy: The Good and The Bad

  I’m in my third trimester and the countdown is on. Here is the good side and bad side of pregnancy and how you really feel. The good: Boobs are huge, hair is long and thick, skin is somewhat clearer than usual. No dirty looks when I ask for second helpings. Feeling my baby kick […] Read more…