Semi-Delicate Balance

Month: November 2014

8 Reasons to Have a Courthouse Wedding

Reasons to have a courthouse wedding

Getting married at the courthouse is very popular with some couples. Courthouse weddings for the military, in particular, are pretty commonplace these days. With deployment or PCS schedules, it just make sense for some military couples to get married at the Justice of the Peace. There are many different reasons to get married at the […] Read more…

Support The Troops: One Scoop at A Time

Compensation for this post was provided by Baskin Robbins via MSB New Media. All opinions expressed in this piece are my own. As if 31 flavors wasn’t enough, is going to donate 10 cents from every ice cream scoop sold in its U.S. locations to the on Veterans Day. This donation will help the USO […] Read more…

10 Ways Military Spouses Can Face the Holidays Alone During Deployment

10 ways military spouses can face the holidays alone during deployment

The holidays are right around the corner. It’s time for get-togethers, holiday cheer, grand feasts, shopping, and enjoying the holiday spirit. …Unless your spouse is deployed. Military spouses who are either alone, or maybe even alone in a new duty-station, can have a hard time adjusting to the holiday season when it’s supposed to be […] Read more…

7 Easy Ways to Get Your Kid to Eat Everything

Get your kid to eat everything

Junior took to solid foods very easily. As he is getting older, I noticed that he is already developing likes (cheerios and squash!) and dislikes (peas). I swore to myself that I would try to prevent raising a picky eater so I’m serving him all sorts of food and offering a lot of praise when […] Read more…