Semi-Delicate Balance

Month: November 2013

Ahoy! It’s a Boy! Baby Shower Time!

Nautical Baby Shower Cake

I got two months left to bake this baby, so it’s time to party! My awesome shower was hosted by my bestest friend in the world, Jen, and the food was provided by my mama. We had about 15 of my closest family and friends that could make it. The theme was nautical/patriotic in honor […] Read more…

Picking Out Baby Names

Choosing your baby’s name is quite possibly the first decision you make in parenting that has a direct impact on their lives. The name is how other people perceive your taste. It almost sets up expectations for him/her. I follow the rule where the name has to carry him through his baby blanket, his resume, […] Read more…

5 Answers to Interview Questions for Military Spouses

5 answers for hard interview questions for military spouses

Whoo-hoo! You got called for an interview. 1st step done, you know that your resume was good enough to warrant an interview. The next step is the hard part: nailing that interview. Based on my personal experiences, here are some answers to some of the tough interview questions you might face. Why did you move […] Read more…

A Letter to Kim Kardashian


Let me preface by saying, I am not your fan. I don’t hate you, but I’m not your fan. I see no reason to like you OR dislike you. During your pregnancy, you were ridiculed almost on a daily basis because of your lifestyle, your weight gain, and your wardrobe. NO ONE deserves that. For […] Read more…