When you have a baby, you find yourself not only talking baby talk but you’ve also picked up a whole new vocabulary. These words had no meaning or definition to you before the land of parenthood, but now you can compare and contrast with all of the moms out there! With my new son, I […] Read more…
Month: June 2014
25 Creative Ideas For Deployment Countdowns
No matter if it’s a couple of weeks or a year, deployment seems like it takes FOR-EV-ER. You think it would be better after the halfway point, but IMO, it just makes you antsier. I love the idea of having a countdown to homecoming because it places a positive spin on things. Instead of feeling […] Read more…
8 Pictures to Take With Baby Each Month
Yes, I admit it. I am a total paparazzi mom. My kid may think his name is “cheese” for a while. Although I’m a tolerable paparazzi mom because I don’t post ALL of his pictures on social media. Before he turned three months old, I had enough pictures to fill all the pages of a 200 […] Read more…
How to Budget for Military Families: 10 Major Mistakes to Fix NOW
There is all sorts of advice and resources on how to budget for a military family. However, sometimes, you need to know what NOT to do, in order to do things correctly. Finances can be a touchy subject with military families. Even though the military provides a lot in terms of benefits, actual take-home dollars […] Read more…
21 Military Housing Hacks: Tips for Decorating and Storage
Military Housing has its perks but one of its pitfalls is that there’s not a whole lot you can do for decorating or organizing, especially when you know you’re only going to be there for a short while. After you PCS, you start the settling down process. As much as you want to make it […] Read more…