Semi-Delicate Balance

Month: June 2014

25 Creative Ideas For Deployment Countdowns

deployment countdown

No matter if it’s a couple of weeks or a year, deployment seems like it takes FOR-EV-ER. You think it would be better after the halfway point, but IMO, it just makes you antsier.  I love the idea of having a countdown to homecoming because it places a positive spin on things. Instead of feeling […] Read more…

8 Pictures to Take With Baby Each Month

8 Pictures to Take With Baby Each Month

Yes, I admit it. I am a total paparazzi mom. My kid may think his name is “cheese” for a while. Although I’m a tolerable paparazzi mom because I don’t post ALL of his pictures on social media. Before he turned three months old, I had enough pictures to fill all the pages of a 200 […] Read more…

How to Budget for Military Families: 10 Major Mistakes to Fix NOW

Budget for Military Families

There is all sorts of advice and resources on how to budget for a military family. However, sometimes, you need to know what NOT to do, in order to do things correctly. Finances can be a touchy subject with military families. Even though the military provides a lot in terms of benefits, actual take-home dollars […] Read more…