Semi-Delicate Balance

Month: August 2014

Not Cool, Bro. 20 Annoying Things at the Base Gym

base gym

So here I am, trying to lose this baby weight. I thought I would try the gym on base today. I figured I would check it out and hopefully it would be less crowded and less crazy than civilian gyms. FALSE. The same #gymproblems happen everywhere. Making it to the base gyms are hard enough. It’s […] Read more…

The Difference Between Military Girlfriend to Military Wife

While browsing the interwebs today, I came across a “military significant other” blog. Someone was asking the “upgrade”  in privileges from being a military girlfriend to a military wife. This got me thinking about the differences between the unmarried and married (besides the lovely brown dependent card).   Here’s my take on the difference from […] Read more…

Pedicures are Dumb. And I Love Them

What a great business model. Massage someone’s feet, throw some paint on the toes, charge $35 before tip. Get Money. Why do millions of women spend millions of dollars to decorate such an insignificant part of their body. It’s not like I look at my feet all day. “But wait, JD, why don’t you just […] Read more…

101+ Awesome Ideas for Military Welcome Home Signs

Military welcome home signs ideas

Part of the fun of a military homecoming is making a Welcome Home Sign. It makes it easier for your service member to spot you and makes for great pictures. Military Welcome Home Signs can range from the sweet, to the funny, to the completely inappropriate. But hey, when you haven’t had any for 6-12 […] Read more…