Semi-Delicate Balance


How to Budget for Military Families: 10 Major Mistakes to Fix NOW

Budget for Military Families

There is all sorts of advice and resources on how to budget for a military family. However, sometimes, you need to know what NOT to do, in order to do things correctly. Finances can be a touchy subject with military families. Even though the military provides a lot in terms of benefits, actual take-home dollars […] Read more…

5 Awesome Toys to Help Children Cope with Deployment

Toys, Deployment

When a military parent deploys, it can be a very sad and confusing time for kids. As much as you try to explain it to them, they’re… well… just kids. Heck, I’m an adult, and I sometimes throw a fit when my husband is deployed. Sometime you have to speak their language, and by language, […] Read more…

10 Types of People You See at a Military Ball

Military Ball

There’s always great anticipation for military balls, especially for most military spouses. I’ve only been to a handful:  one Navy birthday ball aka prom part 2, and 2 or 3 khaki balls aka middle school dance part 2. You know you wanted to wear a pretty dress (I’m with ya!). Whether it’s your first or […] Read more…

25 Genius Moving Tips for PCS Moves

PCS Moving Tips

When you are moving or “PCS’ing”, everyone has learned that you contact the transportation office, check your documents and/or research the place you are going to live. What’s even better is knowing genius PCS moving tips so you can have a great move. Here are 25 of them. 1. Wait to start planning… no, really. […] Read more…