Semi-Delicate Balance


20 Ways You Know You’re A Marine Wife

20 Ways You Know You're a Marine Wife

20 Ways You Know You’re A Marine Wife Because oorah! Because he’s a Marine, not a Soldier The higher and tighter, the better the high-and-tight You know the Marines have the best dress uniform Some of your spouses get to carry a sword (or saber/sabre, whatever) Your husband knows more about laundry than you do […] Read more…

20 Ways You Know You’re an Army Wife

20 Ways You Know You're an Army Wife

20 Ways You Know You’re an Army Wife Because Hooah! You’ve learned to sleep through the sounds of PT, helicopters, artillery, etc You’ve watched at least one episode of Army Wives You drive “on post”, not on base You tell people he’s “only” been gone a month You know your house in weight, not rooms […] Read more…

20 Ways You Know You’re a Navy Wife

20 Ways You Know You're a Navy Wife

20 Ways You Know You’re a Navy Wife You loved anchors before they became trendy. You know that no matter where you are stationed, there’s a good chance you’ll be by water. You know what “dixie cups covers” refer to. You found yourself wearing his blue undershirts because they’re really comfy. USAA or Navy Fed. […] Read more…

The Big List of Military-Inspired Baby Names

If you’re stuck for a baby name, try looking at some military-inspired names.  Surprisingly there are a ton of names to reflect and honor the military. When Husband and I were looking for baby names, he went old school and bought a baby name book. There was only like 10 military-inspired names in there, and […] Read more…

10 Ways to Set Military Spouses Off!

military spouse

I started this blog in October 2013 to have a great hobby while impatiently patiently, awaiting the arrival of our first child, Junior. Once Junior came along, all Hell broke loose and I stopped blogging. It was only back in April 2014 that I picked it up again. I wrote a couple of posts geared […] Read more…