Semi-Delicate Balance


12 Creative Ways to Save Money on a Military Wedding

Almost two years ago, my husband I were married in beautiful Honolulu, HI. (I know, be jealous) If you didn’t already know this, I actually moved with him to Hawaii WITHOUT A RING. I know, I know. What was I thinking?! …just kidding. At that time I knew this was the man I was going […] Read more…

12 Most Surprising Things for a New Military Wife

surprising, new military wife

Congratulations, you’ve just married the love of your life! Oh, by the way, he’s in the military and every aspect of your life will dramatically change whether you like it or not. There’s much more to the military lifestyle than just marrying a man in uniform. Being married to someone in the military can bring […] Read more…

Does Military Health Care Suck?

military health care

Last month, The NY Times published research indicating… yeah, it does suck. And If you’re reading this and are military-affiliated, some of you may not have been that surprised. According to the report, “More than 50,000 babies are born at military hospitals each year, and they are twice as likely to be injured during delivery […] Read more…