Semi-Delicate Balance

Month: July 2014

I Breastfeed Because I’m Lazy


You can find a bunch of reasons to breastfeed. They come from doctors, nurses, the CDC, other moms, etc. But honest to god, my main reason for breastfeeding… I’m lazy. Junior was on formula for the first 10 days of his life because my milk hadn’t come in yet. The reasons I wanted to breastfeed […] Read more…

10 Ways to Set Military Spouses Off!

military spouse

I started this blog in October 2013 to have a great hobby while impatiently patiently, awaiting the arrival of our first child, Junior. Once Junior came along, all Hell broke loose and I stopped blogging. It was only back in April 2014 that I picked it up again. I wrote a couple of posts geared […] Read more…

12 Things NOT to Say to New Moms

what not to say to new moms (1)

As if new moms didn’t have enough stress to go through, people can come up with the rudest, dumbest things to say. Some people wonder why new moms go into hermit mode. Well it’s because 1) we’re exhausted 2) I can’t remember if I put on underwear or not so what make you think I […] Read more…

12 Creative Ways to Save Money on a Military Wedding

Almost two years ago, my husband I were married in beautiful Honolulu, HI. (I know, be jealous) If you didn’t already know this, I actually moved with him to Hawaii WITHOUT A RING. I know, I know. What was I thinking?! …just kidding. At that time I knew this was the man I was going […] Read more…