Semi-Delicate Balance

New Mom

8 Pregnancy Life Hacks

8 pregnancy life hacks

With my first pregnancy over, and with Junior happily (most of the time) bouncing and smiling away. I reminisce about the 39 weeks I carried him. And I think to myself… that was the minor leagues compared to what I have now. You can read all the books, and google as many questions, and research […] Read more…

My Labor and Delivery Story

Obviously, it’s been a while since I’ve updated with a new post. We are finally starting to settle down with Baby C (hereto forth also known as Junior, the Kid, and Poopy McGee). As I start to type, Junior is sitting in his baby carrier, sucking on his binky, and awake but content. Currently, he’s […] Read more…

Ahoy! It’s a Boy! Baby Shower Time!

Nautical Baby Shower Cake

I got two months left to bake this baby, so it’s time to party! My awesome shower was hosted by my bestest friend in the world, Jen, and the food was provided by my mama. We had about 15 of my closest family and friends that could make it. The theme was nautical/patriotic in honor […] Read more…

Picking Out Baby Names

Choosing your baby’s name is quite possibly the first decision you make in parenting that has a direct impact on their lives. The name is how other people perceive your taste. It almost sets up expectations for him/her. I follow the rule where the name has to carry him through his baby blanket, his resume, […] Read more…

I’m a Mom & My Friends aren’t yet

When I tell people I’m expecting, they say “congratulations!”. When I tell them how old I am, they say “ohmigod, you’re so young!” …what’s that supposed to mean? I am 25 years young. The average age for mothers having their first kid is 25.4 in 2010. It was 22.7 in 1980. In that case, I‘m […] Read more…