Semi-Delicate Balance

New Mom

8 Pictures to Take With Baby Each Month

8 Pictures to Take With Baby Each Month

Yes, I admit it. I am a total paparazzi mom. My kid may think his name is “cheese” for a while. Although I’m a tolerable paparazzi mom because I don’t post ALL of his pictures on social media. Before he turned three months old, I had enough pictures to fill all the pages of a 200 […] Read more…

10 Ways Dads Can REALLY Help with Breastfeeding

Dad Breastfeeding Help

When mom breastfeeds, dads can feel like they’re out of the loop. She may not want to pump or bottlefeed so dads have to try and engage somehow with feeding the baby. Because… well, they’re half yours! Here are some ways dads can REALLY help with breastfeeding. 1. Bring baby to mom It’s the middle […] Read more…

10 UnExPeCted Ways Motherhood Changes You

motherhood changes

You know that when you become a mother, things will change. Priorities have changed. Responsibilities have changed. Your boobs have changed. Those things you expected. All of those motherhood websites and mommy friends told you life will be completely different. And you listened enough to “sort of” know what you were getting into. However, you […] Read more…

5 Best (and Worst) Things About Being a Young Mom

young mom

Do you ever wonder if you had kids too early? Do you think about the “what if’s” if you had waited? Here are the 5 best (and worst) things about being a young mom. The best: I still have energy… somewhat Your body still has the energy reserves to keep up with the needs of […] Read more…

50 Tips, Tricks, and Truths for a New Mom

50 tips for a new mom

Undoubtedly, most first time moms read pregnancy books, or browse pregnancy forums, or google every little movement or non-movement in anticipation of their first bundle of joy. It doesn’t always occur to preggo ladies to read what to do with the baby after delivery. For first time moms, or even second and third time moms, […] Read more…