Semi-Delicate Balance


7 Back to School Lunchbox Essentials Your Kids Need

7 Back to School Lunchbox Essentials Your Kids Need-3

I blinked and summer is almost over! Can you believe it? Little man will be done with vacation soon and we will be back to our regular schedule. Me and the husband are off to work and the little dude goes off to school. Working moms know they have hectic schedules to maintain. So we […] Read more…

5 Signs of Dehydration to Look Out for With Your Kids

5 signs of dehydration to look out for with your kids

Summer time is great for outdoor fun. however one of the hidden dangers can be dehydration. Dehydration occurs when we lose more liquid than we take in. All of the fluid we lose needs to be replaced every day. Under normal conditions, thirst tells us that we need fluids; we drink water, and we do […] Read more…

7 Tips for Summer Pregnancies

7 TIPS FOR summer pregnancies

if you think about it, summer can a great time for your kid to be born. There’s a chance for better weather for outdoor birthday parties, you can travel for their birthday during summer vacations or more family and friends can travel to you. However, this means that you have to be pregnant during the […] Read more…

Grow with Baby: 10 Baby Items that Last Past the First Year

Grow with Baby: 10 Baby Items that Last Past the First Year

You know new babies can be expensive. However, there are ways to save money on all of the baby gear and items. You can buy second hand or if you truly want to buy new items, buy items that last past the first year. Some of these items are more of an investment up-front, but […] Read more…

5 Must-Haves In Your Diaper Bag This Summer

“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Neutrogena. I received samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.” Summer is here and it’s time to head outside and enjoy this wonderful weather. Summer is the time for adventure and travel, so moms want […] Read more…