Semi-Delicate Balance


I “Mom-Blocked” My Husband After Deployment

It’s been a few weeks since Husband returned from deployment and we’re getting much better at reintegration. (I’ve also gained 5lbs but that’s a different story.) Husband left when Junior was 4 months old. After that, I ran myself into the ground with a full time job, taking care of the baby, and running this […] Read more…

7 Ways New Military Parents Can Save Money

7 Ways New Military Parents Can Save Money

As some of my readers know, I became a new mom recently and found how exactly how much my little money vacuum baby costs. While I was a pregnant military spouse, I researched for the best possible deals in order to offset costs. There’s a lot for new military parents to learn (and buy!) when it […] Read more…

10 “Mom” Lies I’ve Told

10 Mom Lies I've Told

Junior turned one!  Whoo-hoo! I He made it! I look back on these last 12 months and realize how far we’ve come. Well, at least, how far I’m told others that we’ve come. I didn’t fib to add to the mommy wars or participate in the parenting competition. I fibbed because of wishful thinking. That if […] Read more…

Here are 20 “Gifts” New Moms Want for Christmas

20 -Gifts- New Moms Want For Christmas

Approaching the one year mark with Junior (yay!). Husband is back from Deployment and he asked me what I want for Christmas… hmm… easy enough. Here are 20 “Gifts” New Moms Want for Christmas A shirt not stained in milk/food/saliva/snot/god-knows-what-else The Three Chris’s (Pratt, Hemsworth, and Evans… bonus points if they clean my house) A […] Read more…

25 Ways My Life in College is Exactly as My Life as a Mom

life in college is like life as a mom

It’s been five years since I graduated college. In five short years, I am gainfully employed, got married, adopted a fur baby, had a human baby, moved across the Pacific ocean and back again, started this blog. That’s a lot to pack into a short amount of time. As I look back my days of […] Read more…