Do you ever wonder if you had kids too early? Do you think about the “what if’s” if you had waited? Here are the 5 best (and worst) things about being a young mom. The best: I still have energy… somewhat Your body still has the energy reserves to keep up with the needs of […] Read more…
50 Tips, Tricks, and Truths for a New Mom
Undoubtedly, most first time moms read pregnancy books, or browse pregnancy forums, or google every little movement or non-movement in anticipation of their first bundle of joy. It doesn’t always occur to preggo ladies to read what to do with the baby after delivery. For first time moms, or even second and third time moms, […] Read more…
8 Pregnancy Life Hacks
With my first pregnancy over, and with Junior happily (most of the time) bouncing and smiling away. I reminisce about the 39 weeks I carried him. And I think to myself… that was the minor leagues compared to what I have now. You can read all the books, and google as many questions, and research […] Read more…
My Labor and Delivery Story
Obviously, it’s been a while since I’ve updated with a new post. We are finally starting to settle down with Baby C (hereto forth also known as Junior, the Kid, and Poopy McGee). As I start to type, Junior is sitting in his baby carrier, sucking on his binky, and awake but content. Currently, he’s […] Read more…
Telling Work I was Pregnant
Short story: I dreaded it. I did it. Turned out alright. Long Story: I knew I was 18 weeks pregnant when I went in for the interview. We needed the income, and I was planning on returning to work anyway. Plus, in our transition from Hawaii to San Diego, I tried the stay-at-home thing. It wasn’t […] Read more…