Semi-Delicate Balance


12 Things You Should Never Say To a Pregnant Military Wife

pregnant military spouse

Most pregnant woman run into awkward situations anyway (i.e. strangers rubbing your belly). But being a pregnant military spouse means you get a whole ‘nuther set of tactless questions. Not saying that a regular preggo lady is completely different from a preggo lady married to a service member. But as a recent preggo lady myself, […] Read more…

The Big List of Military-Inspired Baby Names

If you’re stuck for a baby name, try looking at some military-inspired names.  Surprisingly there are a ton of names to reflect and honor the military. When Husband and I were looking for baby names, he went old school and bought a baby name book. There was only like 10 military-inspired names in there, and […] Read more…

I Breastfeed Because I’m Lazy


You can find a bunch of reasons to breastfeed. They come from doctors, nurses, the CDC, other moms, etc. But honest to god, my main reason for breastfeeding… I’m lazy. Junior was on formula for the first 10 days of his life because my milk hadn’t come in yet. The reasons I wanted to breastfeed […] Read more…

12 Things NOT to Say to New Moms

what not to say to new moms (1)

As if new moms didn’t have enough stress to go through, people can come up with the rudest, dumbest things to say. Some people wonder why new moms go into hermit mode. Well it’s because 1) we’re exhausted 2) I can’t remember if I put on underwear or not so what make you think I […] Read more…

A Letter to Baby Weight

baby weight

Why the f**k are you still here?! Honestly, it’s been 6 months. I think it’s time for you to go. Seriously. 42. No, not Jackie Robinson’s number (or Mariano Rivera) No, not 101010 in binary code No, not any reference to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 42 is the number of pounds I gained when […] Read more…